Subscriptions can only be purchased and reservations can only be made by calling the Detroit Rep Theatre Box Office at (313) 868-1347 or by email at
Subscriptions are an essential ingredient in the success of a theatre. Subscribers express their faith in the artistic capabilities of a theatre by buying their seats in advance. In return, the theatre can take risks, explore new ground and pursue its artistic vision, sure of an audience to give witness to what hard work and inspiration have wrought.
Gold Subscriptions
For just $175, TWO (2) PEOPLE can see all the Detroit Rep plays for a year from the date of purchase. Gold Subscriptions can be used up to THREE (3) times for EACH show. This means the subscription may be passed to friends or other members of the family. That breaks down to $7.30 per ticket - a savings of 76% off the regular ticket price.
Silver Subscriptions
For just $100, ONE (1) PERSON can see all the Detroit Rep plays for a year from the date of purchase. Silver Subscriptions can be used up to TWO (2) times for EACH show; this subscription may be passed to friends or family members just like Gold Subscriptions. That breaks down to $12.50 per ticket - a savings of 58% off the regular ticket price.
Because your subscription is good for a year from the date of purchase you can split seasons, finish out this season and pick up the remainder of your subscription in the next season.
Subscriptions are not only a bargain but make excellent gifts because you are giving friends or loved ones a year of fine professional theatre produced in an intimate, elegant environment. Subscribers may reserve only one performance of a particular show at a time (one "use"). In order to book the next performance (or “use”) for a particular show, you will need to attend the first booking. Subscribers may then reserve your next "use" at the lobby box office when you arrive for the first performance, or anytime thereafter by calling or visiting the Box Office.
Refund and Exchange Policy:
There are no refunds. The Theatre holds seats for you once make your reservation. Exchanges may be offered if seats are available for future performances with 24 hour notice.